Need help with eating disorders?

Help with eating disorders come in many different forms, and it is aimed at all types of eating disorders. An eating disorder is defined as a mental disorder that is characterized by abnormal eating habits. Anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa are the different types of eating disorders.

Types of eating disordersAnorexia nervosa is a disorder that primarily women who are 12 to 20 in age. People who have this disorder are obsessed with staying thin, and they are extremely afraid of gaining weight. You can starve yourself, exercise excessively and vomiting or laxatives to get rid of the little bit of food they eat. It is important, before they seek help for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa to take a dangerous toll on your body.

Bulimia nervosa is a disorder by binging and purging out. People with this disorder eat a large amount of food and not always try to help for eating disorders. In fact, a person with bulimia as many as 3000 calories to eat during a session. The act of inclusion in this much food known as binging. After a person finished eating, he or she desperately tries to get rid of the food that he or she has eaten. Bulimics can throw, take laxatives or exercise excessively. Unlike anorexics, bulimics are typically not underweight, why this disease can be difficult to notice.

Binge eating is a disorder in which a person frequently eats abnormally large amount of food occurs. Binge eaters do not try to get rid of the food they have eaten. That is why they are prone to extreme weight gain.

The importance of first aid for eating disordersThere are a number of physical complications that can arise when people can not get help for eating disorders. Can show Anorexic low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, severe tooth decay, bone loss, and digestive problems. Bulimics may develop mouth sores, irregular heartbeat, and abnormal bowel function. Obesity and high blood pressure can result from binge eating. It is important to note that all three of these disorders can lead to death if not treated.

TreatmentThere are several options for people who need help for eating problems. The specific treatment, which is required depending on the type of the disease, which have been. Behavior therapy is an important part of most treatment programs, regardless of the type of eating disorder. This treatment focuses on the support of people replace self-destructive behaviors. Using healthy, sustainable behaviors Patients who are seriously ill should be admitted to a hospital, possibly to regulate their blood sugar levels.

If you or a loved one in your life by having an eating disorder issue or symptoms that prevent them from suffering a healthy, productive life, it may be time to seek help for eating disorders from a professional mental health center.

Ben Brafman, LMHC CAP is the President and CEO of Sylvia Brafman Mental Health Center, a licensed mental health treatment center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Ben has more than 20 years experience in the addiction and mental health fields, which led him to develop a combination of innovative treatment protocols at The Sylvia Brafman Mental Health Center. He has been published on various topics including dual diagnosis and chemical dependency, and gives back to the community by educating other addiction counselors at his Academy for Addiction Professionals.

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